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An unbridled trails of thought

On average, every ejaculation represents 1.5 Tb of data (in 3 seconds). The problem is most of sperms carry almost identical DNA data (million copies of same 39Mb of DNA) . By producing massive copies, the mother nature hopes (and we hope) that at least ONE successfully cross the hostile environment such as highly acid fluid, then inject the data into the egg in the womb.

Making billions of identical version of sperms costs lots of energy (may be that’s why we, men, are always horny.)Perhaps, we could create a nano sperm-bot with Wifi access (or bluetooth) from a smartphone. The bot must be robust to acidity and viral attack, and, of course, it must me highly mobile (to propel itself to the egg) We may only need ONE.

Once injected into the female reproductive organ, it swims through vaginal cavity. With the wireless communication between the bot and the smartphone, we can pin point the where about of the bot.

While traveling about few hours to the destination, we may have luxury of browsing variety of DNA sequences. Some are paid DNA data bought and downloaded from on-line stores like or eBay. Few are expensive with “celebrity mix” of the rich and famous.

Based on the mood, I select ONE sequence, and the whole data wirelessly uploaded to the bot in seconds. And the outcome(?) would be the perfectly engineered (or genetically modified) super babies?

Eligible bachelors’ “must have” trait would be the curation skill; mixing and matching the right amount of information to create future baby’s DNA sequences out from the Internet. Who knows? soon we will have DNA curator versions of Pintererst where you can collect, edit, curate, mix then create DNA sequences of your interests.

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A Love Sonnet (Pablo Neruda)

I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,
or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as one loves certain dark things,
secretly, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom and carries
the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself,
and thanks to your love the tight aroma that rose
from the earth lives in my body in darkness.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where
I love you directly without problems or pride:
I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love

except in this form in which I am not nor are you,
so close that your hand upon my chest is mine,
so close that your eyes close with my dreams.

English Translation : Mark Eisner

A girl once I’ve loved asked
“why do you love me?” or “how much do you love me?”

My answer, every time, was
“I love you because… I love you”


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雪国과 타임슬립 그리고 나니아(Narnia)


The train came out of the long tunnel into the snow country. The earth lay white under the night sky. The train pulled up at a signal stop.

지방의 경계에 있는 긴 터널을 빠져 나가자, 설국(雪國)이었다. 밤의 밑바닥이 하얘진 듯했다. 신호소(信號所)에 기차가 멎었다.

1972년 자살한 카와바타 야스나리 선생의 침대 옆에서 발견된 “설국”의 초본. 당시 “이즈의 무희”를 영인본으로 판매하는 기획을 진행되었으나, 카와바타는 독자적으로 “설국”의 초본(抄本)을 만들고 있었다. 카와바타의 “설국”에 대한 애착을 엿볼 수 있다.

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My daily mantra against to despair

Has your life ever treated you badly? So badly that you just want to give up everything, perhaps even your life? Born and have been living in fully developed countries, my despair is no where near to the sufferings of the elsewhere.

Even with all the “good enough” life, some times I run into this damn thing called “despair.” Probably you do too. My survival tactics for this is to recite my daily mantra. Instead of “Om Mani Padme Hum” which my fellow Buddhists recite, I picked up a line from one of Stephen King’s popular novel, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. 

Remember that hope is a good thing, Red, may be the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies.



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Inspiration is …(Wisława Szymborska)

from “The Poet and the World,” Nobel Lecture, 1996

Inspiration is not the exclusive privilege of poets or artists.
There is, there has been, there will always be a certain group of people whom inspiration visits. It’s made up of all those who’ve consciously chosen their calling and do their job with love and imagination.

It may include doctors, teachers, gardeners-I could list a hundred more professions. Their work becomes one continuous adventure as long as they manage to keep discovering new challenges in it. Difficulties and setbacks never quell their curiosity. A swarm of new questions emerges from every problem that they solve.

Whatever inspiration is, it’s born from a continuous “I don’t know.”

This is why I value that little phrase “I don’t know” so highly. It’s small, but it flies on mighty wings

Wisława Szymborska (1923 ~ 2012)

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Introducing Sable Caught, my favorite Youtube celebrity

Recently while I was happy Pinteresting all over my PinBoards, I found this but geeky but lovely book girl from Youtube. I’ve been following her quite sometime. I love her insights on books and related cultures. Today, I collected all her Hunger Games related videos. Why? This Summer is all about “Hunger Games!” If you out there are Hunger Games fan, you would love to hear her comments on the books.

And now, with no further due, I give you Sable Caught  (applause!!)

Happy Hunger Games! and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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伊豆の踊子 (川端康成) / Dancing Girl in Izu (Yasunari Kawabata)


길이 구불구불하게 이어져, 드디어 아마기고개에 가까워졌다했을 때, 빗자락이 전나무숲을 하얗게 물들이며 무섭게 빠른 속도로 산기슭에서 나를 쫓아왔다.

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Lolita (Vladmir Nabokov)

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.

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“漢文”에 대한 加藤 徹선생의 小稿 (번역) – 1/2

* 2008. 10. 13에 textcube.com에 올렸던 글 입니다.

카토 토오루(加藤 徹) 선생은 일본 메이지 대학의 교수로 우리나라에서는 “貝의 중국인 羊의 중국인”과  “한문의 생활력 (최근 “동양고전에게 길을 묻다”로 재간됨)이란 번역서로 잘 알려져 있는 분입니다. 1963년생이면 아직 젊은 나이임에도 불구하고 중국문학, 중국경극 등의 중국문화 전문가로 일본에서 유명하더군요.

加藤徹 교수 (사진출처: 요미우리 온라인)

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