Tag Archives: Sci-Fi

An unbridled trails of thought

On average, every ejaculation represents 1.5 Tb of data (in 3 seconds). The problem is most of sperms carry almost identical DNA data (million copies of same 39Mb of DNA) . By producing massive copies, the mother nature hopes (and we hope) that at least ONE successfully cross the hostile environment such as highly acid fluid, then inject the data into the egg in the womb.

Making billions of identical version of sperms costs lots of energy (may be that’s why we, men, are always horny.)Perhaps, we could create a nano sperm-bot with Wifi access (or bluetooth) from a smartphone. The bot must be robust to acidity and viral attack, and, of course, it must me highly mobile (to propel itself to the egg) We may only need ONE.

Once injected into the female reproductive organ, it swims through vaginal cavity. With the wireless communication between the bot and the smartphone, we can pin point the where about of the bot.

While traveling about few hours to the destination, we may have luxury of browsing variety of DNA sequences. Some are paid DNA data bought and downloaded from on-line stores like Amazon.com or eBay. Few are expensive with “celebrity mix” of the rich and famous.

Based on the mood, I select ONE sequence, and the whole data wirelessly uploaded to the bot in seconds. And the outcome(?) would be the perfectly engineered (or genetically modified) super babies?

Eligible bachelors’ “must have” trait would be the curation skill; mixing and matching the right amount of information to create future baby’s DNA sequences out from the Internet. Who knows? soon we will have DNA curator versions of Pintererst where you can collect, edit, curate, mix then create DNA sequences of your interests.

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